
NodeKit Partipicates in a16z Crypto Startup Accelerator!

Feb 15, 2024

We are excited to announce that NodeKit has received funding and will be participating in the a16z Crypto Startup Accelerator!

The a16z Crypto Startup Accelerator is a ten-week program designed around the specific needs of web3 startups. CSX takes place in person, featuring lectures and mentorship from industry experts, founder talks, and access to the a16z network. The program will culminate with a Demo Day where participants showcase their product. The NodeKit team will join the rest of the cohort in London starting in March.

In December, we announced our pre-seed round of $1.2M led by Borderless Capital with participation from Blizzard, Polygon Ventures, and the Wormhole Cross-Chain fund. We are excited to now include a16z CSX in the list of our investors.

The founding team looks forward to using our learnings through the a16z Crypto Startup Accelerator to continue to build the next generation of rollups!

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NodeKit enables synchronous composability for rollups. Reach out today to join the composability layer.

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NodeKit enables synchronous composability for rollups. Reach out today to join the composability layer.

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NodeKit enables synchronous composability for rollups. Reach out today to join the composability layer.

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NodeKit enables synchronous composability for rollups. Reach out today to join the composability layer.